Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pigeonized?

Female who goes out looking for dates
by false advertising. Then they try to get them to do something ill mannered like pay for their bills.

Facts: Bird is slang for woman in other countries.

Origin: made popular in late 90's by rap group "Sporty Thieves" in a reply to "TLC" song called Scrubs

Pigeon is derived from Pigeon feet. Which is a foot disease you get by constantly wearing tight shoes like high heels.

Some characteristics are...
Ugly feet, constantly going to the solon to pluck there mustache,
clothes are borrowed,

Fake Things on there body... like fake hair, fake nails, fake lashes, fake Eyecolor etc..

Physically Altered Body.... fake nose, fake boobs, fake lips, face lifts.

Pretty much somebody who can't just be real to attract somebody and may use the person for personal gain.

"fuck going to that club, ther nothing but pigeon out there tonight".

(after wig falls off)... "ughhhhh!!! get the fuck away from me PIGEON!!!!".

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pigeonized - meme gif

pigeonized meme gif

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Pigeonized - what is it?

A highly intelligent bird. There are many amazing breeds, ranging from the colours bright blue to even brighter pink, and in sizes from a turkey to a sparrow. The common Domestic Pigeon, found on the streets, was first brought to Canada/US by European settlers for food. The have the capability of outflying a hawk, and can fly over oceans. Pigeon war heroes, such as Cher Ami and G.I. Joe, have saved countless lives. These birds are actually very cleanly, always grooming, and even cleaning their poop out of nests. They are able to do math. Pigeons have extremely strong family bonds, stick by their young no matter what, and mourn when their mates die. Pigeons show empathy, and comfort widows or widowers.

I found the matriarch of the flock dead! That explains the patriarchs absence! Must be mourning...poor pigeon!

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What does "pigeonized" mean?


*pigeon head comes off*

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Pigeonized - what does it mean?

The art of stalking and catching pigeons for entertainment. Usually done at night in major cities across the world,can be done sober but generally while being extremely drunk.

That man is a top shelf pigeoner! he can catch a pigeon with relative ease. the more intoxicated he is the more entertaining it is for those lucky enough to see this talent first hand..

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Pigeonized - meaning

The most amazing, powerful and important bird in the galaxy

Pigeons are the kings of the bird kingdom. Sorry, I meant gods of the bird kingdom.

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Pigeonized - definition

A 1990's to early to mid 2000's slang denoting a hood rat, hoe, skunk, chicken head, slut, cum dumpster. Popular term in southern New England in the inner cities.

Driving down Lake Ave in Manchester NH: sees woman with swanky short skirt and high heels walking in a sketchy neighborhood. "Look at that fucking pigeon. Probably has a Hoover vacuum for a mouth."

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Pigeonized - slang



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Synonymous with peasant. A pigeon is a label used to describe a male in which a female does not, and will never, take seriously. A pigeon, just like a peasant, is automatically disqualified & forgotten about the moment they're classified as a pigeon.

1. Tell that pigeon to get lost.

2. Can you just ask that pigeon yourself?

3. For Christs sake Mindy, leave that pigeon alone!

4. Just let him flock with the rest of the pigeons.

5. What a pigeon!

6. He was quite the pigeon.

7. I'm never dating another pigeon like him again (*dates another pigeon*).

8. What do I gotta do for this pigeon to stop hitting me up?!

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Another name for a government spy.

All the pigeons work for the bourgeoisie.

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Tracking someone’s life and their career, academic, and intellectual pursuits in order to copy them or seize them

Boris keeps pigeoning me because he wants to get into Dartmouth!

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