Definder - what does the word mean?

What is perfect weekend?

A term coined by social media influencer, Vishranth Ramsway, to describe a three day period (a weekend) in which a man sleeps with one of three different women on each day (Friday, Saturday, Sunday).

Bro I canโ€™t believe I just had Vishranthโ€™s Perfect Weekend, and they were all from Hinge!

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perfect weekend - video


Perfect weekend - what is it?

A 3 day period, starting at 9 pm on a Friday going till 1 pm the following Sunday, that is spent in Marengo Ohio with the bros

I just spent the Perfect Weekend at the Heartland Retreat Center with the boys

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What does "perfect weekend" mean?

a perfect weekend is when teams you hate lose while the team you love wins.

Sept 15th 2007. A Saturday of a perfect weekend - College Football: Auburn, Tennessee, and Notre Dame all lose while Alabama wins against Arkansas. Awesome.

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Perfect weekend - what does it mean?

Sexual intercourse with three different people over the course of a weekend. Ideally one each day, but itโ€™s usually two on Saturday and one on Friday or Sunday. A threesome or foursome, while not in the same spirit, are still awesome, and are therefore applied towards the count.

I thought Friday and Saturday were just luck, but when that new girl came over Sunday I knew I was destined to have a perfect weekend.

Sally was the queen of perfect weekends, if I ever owned a train station Iโ€™d hire her to run it.

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