Definder - what does the word mean?

What is penisland?

A magical place gay people come from.

"Did you hear, they are from PenIsland."
"BRUH, I already knew that!"

👍31 👎13

penisland - video


Penisland - what is it?

An island located just south of Crotchington and north of the Testiculous Islands. Species of fowl on the island include the cockoftherock, red faced booby, Northern Screamer, Tit Babbler, and the Agile Tit Tyrant. The Angry Pirate was also known to hide buried treasure their.

Penisland Angry Pirate

👍1087 👎587

What does "penisland" mean?

a magical place where all penises go after they die

ribby: when i die my dick is gonna go to penisland
pablo: why are you like this

👍27 👎11

Penisland - what does it mean?

penisland - pen island can be mistaken as an island tho really its just for penis land, funny thing to say to people who are ditsy.

also apparantly a website for selling pens..
(insert shameless plug here)

me: u wanna go to penisland (pen island)?
dumb blonde: sure can u take me?
me: yes :D

👍279 👎239

Penisland - meaning

Fake custom pen website known as Pen Island - url is

Used a way to insult the ignorant

'Hey, you want a free custom pen?'

'Yeah sure!'

'Then just go to'

👍277 👎175

Penisland - definition

The non-existant place PEN ISLAND written as a compound word. The mind forces a break at the "L" because of its height and it is read as Penis Land. Two websites take advantage of this visual effect: sells custom pens. sells suggestive apparel from the fictional Pen Island

👍529 👎339

Penisland - slang

From a website for a pen business named Pen Island with the URL
Looks like penis land. Now slang for masturbation.

I'm rowing my boat to pen island. But I only have one oar.

👍1697 👎577