Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pawnage?

Using your hands to solve something, sutch as a rubik's cube. It has to be close to a world record.

how fast did you solve your rubik's cube

ten seconds

that's rubik pawnage

👍27 👎21

pawnage - video


Pawnage - what is it?

This "word" is used occasionally by extreme n00bs. This is because it is not a word. N00bs tend to think that this word originated from the game of chess, and somehow compares the skills of the victim of this exclamation to those of a pawn.

The word they are probably thinking of is pwnage (pone-ij or own-ij), which originated from a typo of the word owned, and has nothing to do with such n00bish hobbies as chess.

N00b: Dude, that's some serious pawnage!

haxx0r: Dude, you fucktard, its pwnage.

👍77 👎71

What does "pawnage" mean?

getting owned like a pawn in a game, usually an online video game.

dude, that was total pawnage

👍109 👎75