Definder - what does the word mean?

What is patto?

continually calling someone gay.

Relating to Patto Banton who is apparently homosexual.

you are gay (this is patto-bashing)

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patto - meme gif

patto meme gif

patto - video


Patto - what is it?

What you call a friend or a person if they are retarded and stupid

Adam you’re a pattos

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What does "patto" mean?

Poo is a person who has a beagle dog who is named after a mushroom

Hey, i have a friend who has a beagle dog called cepe she is a PATTO.

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Patto - what does it mean?

a patto is somebody that closed a pact with the devil in order to achieve an incredibly high level of intelligence

Andrew has solved the math problem in just ten minutes...he 's got to be a patto

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