Definder - what does the word mean?

What is party mode?

discord party mode is discord's 7th birthday update coming with achievements and more

"hey you wanna help me get all the discord party mode achievements?"

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party mode - video


Party mode - what is it?

a poor excuse of an update

this discord party mode is rad!

No, its annoying and it hurts my ears every time i get an achievement, this is the worst update by discord, even an official update by discord would be considered an april fools update because of their terrible management and false bans, discord moderators are slowly turning into the offenders themselves.

my days shut up you nerd

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What does "party mode" mean?

When your juul flashes pretty lights

Ayyy she’s in party mode!

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Party mode - what does it mean?

A fag that shakes his juul

Put the juul in party mode

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