Definder - what does the word mean?

What is parteh?

A gathering involving the conversation of girl-like topics.

Also known as "titty party," "party with titties," and "bitch party"

"Omg, I love Sanjaiah" -guy
"Shut up, dis ain't no titteh parteh, boi"

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Parteh - what is it?

A party of excitement ... normally one of a celebrity, or someone's that you are hoping to pull, someone hot.
Normally you would spend about a week getting ready for it and would arrive full of glaciosity and also nervousnosity and jelloidnosity... you would hope to get hammered but not embarrass urself!

1) Elle: Its Kate's bday PARTEH next Saturday!
Jen: I am soooo full of ditherosity about what to wear!
Elle: I know, Kate's bro is well fit!

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