Definder - what does the word mean?

What is overturf's?

Super awesome girl, what can i say?

that one girl who works at the pet store? she pretty awesome. her tunes are bumpin overturf style.

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overturf's meme gif

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Overturf's - what is it?

overturf ; another name for astroturf, or a stinking skulking slut who has sex with her manager for a raise and with my friends just to spite me

also a dirty slut who steals your money and tries to extort you, using the phrase "im just a kid" commonly

a girl who tries to be your friend and backstabs you and ruins some of your friendships just for fun and her own well being

"dude you just got overturf'd"
"dude you just got justa kid'd"

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What does "overturf's" mean?

When your dick is so big that every time you hook up with someone u beat their shit up

Derek hooked up with Barbara last night and he overturfed her.

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