Definder - what does the word mean?

What is on the Wire?

An electronic device worn on a person's body that records sounds and transmits the playback to a remote receiver. The wire is usually hidden on someone who is trying to get other people to incriminate themselves in conversation. There are usually cops listening to the receiver close by, and once they hear the incriminating evidence, they can run in and make arrests.

Sometimes the "wire" is just a tape recorder (does not transmit).

Wired person: So Frankie, I heard you were behind the cop killing. Am I right?
Frankie: Why do you care? You bugged or something?
Wired person: Naw Frankie, I'm not wired. I'm just curious. Come on Frankie! You can trust me. I won't tell nobody.
Frankie: Alright, alright! Me and Big Tony waited for him at his house. Then when he came home, we gave him a blanket party. But Tony got a little rough and accidentally knocked the mofo's brains out, so we had to bury his body off the freeway by the old farm.
Cops: Police! Freeze sucker! Frank Footer, you're under arrest for the murder of a police officer!
Frankie: Mother fucker! You're wearing a wire? You set me up!
Wired person: Sorry Frankie, I had no choice. (To cop) So now that I served up Frankie, the DA will drop all the charges against me right? I'm free right?
Cop: Ha! Not exactly, since some of your charges fall under Federal jurisdiction. You'll still be spending the next 10 to 20 in a Federal Prison.
Wired person: What?!?!
Cop: Hahaha, don't drop the soap. Take them both away!

👍355 👎107

on the Wire - video


On the Wire - what is it?

1. Displaying or feeling or stating things that would lead others to believe you are overly stimulated or hyperactive due to the influence of sugar, caffeine, or other substances such as amphetamines

2. Extremely excited about something.

3. Connected to the Internet.

1) That extra cup of coffee has me so wired I'm going to stay up all night writing Urban Dictionary entries!

2) I'm wired about getting wired to the Dark Web!

👍79 👎23

What does "on the Wire" mean?

Military slang for the perimeter around a forward operating base or patrol base. Except in very remote and sparsely built/manned outposts inside the wire is safer than some bad neighborhoods in the USA. If its a larger base there might even be a McDonalds and Starbucks inside the wire. Outside the wire is enemy territory and is where all the combat and danger happens. Time spent outside the wire is often a direct measure of how experienced a military member is in their combat arms occupation. If one spends too much time inside The Wire they risk becoming a Fobbit.

Grunt: You going with us outside the wire on our next op? Might get to see some action.

Fobbit: Well... I would love to, but you see, I have this thing at that one place with the people and gosh, I just can't get permission from my unit to go along with you guys!

👍65 👎15

On the Wire - what does it mean?

1. High on large amounts of stimulants (amphetamines, cocaine, caffeine, sugar, etc)
2. The point at which, having taken excess amounts of speed, you no longer feel the desire to talk (as you would when more moderately amped)
3. A state of being overstimulated, excited, and/or hyperactive.

He was completely wired after having taken more pills than usual.
On Saturday mornings the children were wired from all the sugar and cartoons.

👍1719 👎397

On the Wire - meaning

The Greatest Show of All-Time.

Chad: "Yo, you watching 'The Wire' tonight?"
Kai: "Of course. I'm not a fucking idiot."

👍1031 👎225

On the Wire - definition

"The Wire" is a one-hour HBO drama set and produced in Baltimore Maryland. It was created, produced, and primarily written by David Simon. Each season details a different aspect of the city: drug trade, the port, city government, school system, and the media/newspaper. The show is recognized for its realistic portrayal of urban life, artistic ambitions, and uncommonly deep exploration of sociological themes. It has frequently been cited by critics as one of the greatest television series of all time.

Did you catch the new episode of The Wire last night? Nah man, don't you dare tell me what happened cause I recorded it.

👍1217 👎239

On the Wire - slang

A good ass show based on the crime and corruption in fictional b-more aka baltimore. it plays on hbo every sunday night at 9pm-10pm and encores on mondays and tuesdays.

no example, just watch for yourself and see how vicious it is.

👍1877 👎239

On the Wire

In the moment whilst programming. When you are in full swing and a distraction would be a really bad thing to happen.

John: Steve, ask Luke if he wants to come to the pub.
Steve: I wouldn't, he's wired in atm!

👍721 👎81

On the Wire

When in a competitive event one person leads the competition from beginning to end.

Evildonut went wire to wire in his fantasy baseball league, never dropping out of first place.

👍63 👎17

On the Wire

Someone who led in a competition from start to finish

Aaron won the competition wire to wire.

👍121 👎29