Definder - what does the word mean?

What is omz?

Based on OMG or OML but used for Zellyth instead
OMZ stands for Oh my Zell.

OMZ did you seen his DPS?

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omz meme gif

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Omz - what is it?

Mythology influenced version of "OMG"

Paul: Marie just got her baby!!
Cathy: OMZ!!! That's fantastic

Kim: I'm gonna cut my hair!
Cindy: Oh My Zeus! That would be social suicide!

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What does "omz" mean?

Oh My Zordon

The Almighty Zordon, the leader of the Power Rangers is the equivalent to God.

OMZ he swept me with a DD Salamence.

OMZ Rebecca Black is awesome!

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Omz - what does it mean?

Instead of OMG it’s OMZ meaning oh my Zeus.

Helen: OMZ.
Landon: What happened.

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Omz - meaning

"Oh My Zarathustra!"

Zarathustra was a Persian-Medean priest.

Supposedly was the first uberhuman, as mentioned in Friedrich Nietzsche's publications.

"Oh My Zarathustra" is an augmentative variation of OMG/ "Oh My God". It expresses severe rage, surprise or painful butthurt.

The expression is commonly used amongst late-twen over achievers, it recently appeared in rural south german suburbs, cities and trains.

It has also occured in Singapore's caucasian immigrant culture, though in unsignificant, vanishing frequency

Oh My Zarathustra! Your are stupid!

OMZ she ugly.

OMZ I've lost everythin'.

OMZ I think I'm losing my mind.

OMZ I will destroy you.

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Omz - definition

Oh My Zeus. Zeus being a Greek God. I don't need to explain that... you DO know already.

"OMZ that is totes Spaß!"

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Omz - slang

Variant of OMG, Oh My God.
OMZ is a condensation of Oh My Zod.

OMZ! The pandas are attacking!

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