Definder - what does the word mean?

What is nut blood?

When you but too many nuts past the point of shooting blanks and instead shoot blood out of your dick.

"Dude I just beat my dick 20 times to achieve the blood nut!"

👍25 👎11

nut blood - video


Nut blood - what is it?

An Australian term for a red-headed pale person.
the more red headed, pale, freckled, etc. a person is, the more of a blood nut they are.

1. Steve is such a blood nut, look at his red-hair and pale skin.

👍121 👎63

What does "nut blood" mean?

Blood infused semen due to infection, disease or cancer in the genitourinary system.

Person 1:Did you hear about his nut blood?
Person 2: what's nut blood?!
Person 1: boy oh boy do I have a story for you.

👍25 👎11