Definder - what does the word mean?

What is nAEn?

When the phrase "What's up, man?" are said through the mouth of a crackhead on the 7 line from Queens.

Other dialects include sang nang, sam nang, sange.

"Wsaen, naen?"

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nAEn meme gif

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NAEn - what is it?

Naen is an amazing girl,known as a kink,who is usually in a group of friends. She loves music-listening to it and playing an instrument. Shes funny, can do some great horror film character impersonations-like the grudge or something else. She may have moved but is beautiful, kind, willing and smart,also lazy, and has a secret she would never tell any of her friends-like not being able to do something such as go outside to play with them,going somewhere every weekend(like a city or a country or a friends house)and makes some lies to their friends like having an argument with a sister.....

1.A nickname given.
2.From Korea
3.Familiar to Jinky.
4.Familiar to Chinky
5.Someone who does unappropriate things.

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