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What is mom spaghetti?

When you're so incredibly intoxicated that you feel like you're gonna fall off the edge of the earth. The ground is your bestfriend and your arms and legs are like spaghetti. You are nothing but dead weight and really just want to take a nap in the most inconvenient place possible.

Friend 1: "Hey, what's wrong with Karen?"
Friend 2: *struggling to pick her up* "C'mon man you know."
Karen: *thinking*....the middle of the streets lookin like a snack. "I sshhould sssleep hhere"
Random Stranger: "Do you guys need some help?"
Karen: *lays in the street* like a corpse
Friends 1 & 2: "Oh, shit. She's Mom's Spaghetti"

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mom spaghetti - video


Mom spaghetti - what is it?

Originally from "Lose Yourself" by Eminem. "Mom's spaghetti" is used at the end of a long speech or explanation.

Steve: "We need to grow as people in order to truly grow as a society. From time and time again, we have failed to provide the basic needs to human beings and because so, there are many that die preventable deaths. One day we will outgrow this trend and become truly divine creatures; mom's spaghetti."

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What does "mom spaghetti" mean?

To choke in a pressure situation. To fail to deliver on expectations when it becomes time to perform, often due to nervousness or lack of experience.

Taken from the lyrics of the song "Lose Yourself" by Eminem off the "8 Mile" movie soundtrack. In the movie, the main character Bunny Rabbit, played by Eminem, becomes nervous and chokes in an early rap battle competition. As retold in the lyrics of the song: "...his palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, there's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti."

Joe Z often boasts about his poetic prowess, but when it comes to performing in front of an audience he's always mom's spaghetti.

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Mom spaghetti - what does it mean?

is better than
Dad's ravioli
Grandma's ginocchi
Girlfriend's tortellini
Grandpa's rigatoni

You better lose yourself in ya mom's spaghetti
It's ready
You better never let it go
You only get one spaghetti, do not miss your chance to blow
'Cause spaghetti comes once in a lifetime, yo 🍝

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Mom spaghetti - meaning

LITERALLY THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD. PUT FUCKING CHEESE ON THAT BITCH AND ITS AMAZING. Oh and it’s also a lyric from academy award winning song by Eminem β€œLose Yourself”

Knees weak arms are heavy
There’s vomit on his sweater already
mom’s spaghetti

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Mom spaghetti - definition

A reference to a lyric in a remix of the song Lose Yourself by Eminem in which Eminem is edited to say a word(s) in every phrase with spaghetti or one of the lyrics in the opening verse of the song.

His palms spaghetti, knees weak, arms spaghetti
There's vomit on his sweater spaghetti, mom's spaghetti
He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm spaghetti to drop bombs,
But he keeps on spaghetti what he wrote down,
The whole crowd goes spaghetti
He opens his mouth, but spaghetti won't come out
He's choking how, everybody's joking now
spaghetti run out, time's up, over, bloah!
Snap back to spaghetti, Oh there goes spaghetti
Oh, there goes spaghetti, bloah
He's so mad, but he won't give up spaghetti, no.

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Mom spaghetti - slang

when your knees are weak, your arms are heavy and you have one opportunity to capture it.

Emma was watching 8miles and started to feel mom's spaghetti

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Mom spaghetti

mom's spaghetti
To choke in a pressure situation. To fail to deliver on expectations when it becomes time to perform, often due to nervousness or lack of experience.

Taken from the lyrics of the song "Lose Yourself" by Eminem off the "8 Mile" movie soundtrack. In the movie, the main character Bunny Rabbit, played by Eminem, becomes nervous and chokes in an early rap battle competition. As retold in the lyrics of the song: "...his palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, there's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti."

JoeZ often boasts about his poetic prowess, but when it comes to performing in front of an audience he's always mom's spaghetti.

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Mom spaghetti


The vomit that is on his sweater already, thats mom's spaghetti. Usually occurs along with when your knees are weak and your arms are heavy. Could show that the person is nervous but on the outside they look calm and ready to drop bombs but they keep on forgetting what they wrote down and then the whole crowd goes so loud, the person then opens there mouth but then the words wont come out

This dude chokin' look at his sweater mom's spaghetti

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Mom spaghetti

What happens when a italian chef bangs your mom

Yo dude, after last night, your mom has some serious mom spaghetti

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