Definder - what does the word mean?

What is misunderstanding's?

LITL (Lost In Text Lation) misunderstanding, used to describe the confusion caused by the misreading or misinterpretation of a text. Pronounced like little misunderstanding.

Jane: "I thought you weren't speaking to Beth anymore because of that nasty text she sent you!"

Sara: "No, she called and we talked, it was only a LITL misunderstanding."

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misunderstanding's - meme gif

misunderstanding's meme gif

misunderstanding's - video


Misunderstanding's - what is it?

An event that can occur when two or more people have a conversation about something mutually understood to both individuals, yet neither needs to (or can) explain it in words. Prevalent in the 420 community.

Steve: Hey Mike, pass me that thing over there.
Mike: Yeah man *passes said "thing"*.
Ryan: Definitely a mutual misunderstanding right there.
*Steve passes to Ryan*
Steve: Yeah whatever, hit that bowl

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What does "misunderstanding's" mean?

Lacking an understanding of a fundamental concept.

Merkel told her cabinet members that the US President had a "very basic misunderstanding" on trade.

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Misunderstanding's - what does it mean?

1. A clever phrase used by guys to sound sincere when propositioning a girl for sex.

2. The politically correct way to say, “We fucked.”

3. The desired outcome of spitting game or puking game.

1. "Excuse me, Ladies. May I interest any of you in a romantic misunderstanding?"

2. Mark: "So, did you guys hook up?"
Rory: "We may have had a romantic misunderstanding..."

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Misunderstanding's - meaning

When one person says or does something insulting or hurtful to another person and later avoids the apology by stating that the entire situation was simply a misunderstanding.

Amy: "Brian I cant believe you called me a douche bag in front of my parents..!"
Brian: "Amy, I think this has been one big misunderstanding.."

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Misunderstanding's - definition

when there's some non-communication going down.

the fact that she was mad at him and he was oblivous to the fact that she was serious was making me think there was some misunderstandment going on between them and they had to talk it out.

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Misunderstanding's - slang

The misunderstanding of a statement.

Joe misunderstandmented Bob's statement

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When two people try pursuing a relationship and run into a road bump where one knows what's going on and the other is confused and could jump to conclusions. A lot of relationships end like this sadly.

Joe: Why were you with Christian?

Vivienne: Are you jealous?

Joe: you're damn right I am, I loved you, you could of at least told me you weren't interested when we dated.

Vivienne: *no comment*

Joe: It's over, good riddance, now you can be with Christian.

Vivienne didn't know how to settle this misunderstanding resulting in heartbreak.

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Someone who thinks everyone is misunderstood.

The misunderstander: I think Ted Bundy was misunderstood.

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If you don't know where you stand with somebody, I'd say your moral compass isn't the only one that needs repairs.

Alan- I don't know where I stand with you boss.
Dave- The same place you were standing a minute ago Alan, you're standing directly in front of me, so until you choose a new set of coordinates that is where you stand with me. What is the misunderstanding here?

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