Definder - what does the word mean?

What is miniben?

A term given to rather annoying males who insist on telling you about every problem in their lifes in the mistaken belief that you actually care.
Also given to someone who uses "WTF?" and "OMG!" for totally inapropriate things.

Me: I like to play pool.
Miniben: OMG WTF?
Me: what?
Miniben: I have a friend who plays pool as well!

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miniben - video


Miniben - what is it?

1) A person who is a wannabe of someone an awful lot more popular and as such tries to be like them.
2) Likes to share their problems....non never ends!!!

1) dude, he's trying to act like him! He's gonna turn into a miniben!
2) i'm so life is poo......i hate hairs bad...i have questionable body odour etc etc

👍33 👎19