Definder - what does the word mean?

What is may 2020?

The Day George Floyd a 46 year old man was killed by derek chauvin because derek chauvin wouldn't get off his neck

May 26th 2020 was a Tragic day.

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may 2020 - video


May 2020 - what is it?

Doing insane shit thatโ€™s wild, whorey, young, and naive at 2 am every day of quarantine.

โ€œWanna go pull some Cokie and Abby May 2020 type shit?โ€
โ€œHell yeah. But weโ€™ll actually be responsible and not almost die.โ€

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What does "may 2020" mean?

The day we got together. 1 year without you

Look itโ€™s the 30th may 2020 remember?

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May 2020 - what does it mean?

A shit month. Someone shoulda told god to just skip this month cus nothing good came out of it

Black man: i actually didnโ€™t really like how that policeman killed the bla-
White Policeman: SHUT UP LIBTARD *shoots rubber bullets*
Everyone: holy shit fuck May 2020

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