Definder - what does the word mean?

What is love Knuckles?

The act of softly hitting closed fists knuckles first, sharing the love between two people via the knuckle punch.

Mat walks into the lounge room and upon seeing Rob exclaims "Knuckle Love!" and rushes over to tap Robs fist.

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love Knuckles - video


Love Knuckles - what is it?

Penis. Popularized by the band GWAR.

Suckle my bloated love knuckle.

👍53 👎21

What does "love Knuckles" mean?

The delicate act of providing discipline to your mate, via a sharp striking motion with the fist, either left or right, on on the appropriate occasion both. Derived from the Latin, Bare-Knuckleous de Louve.

'This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you, I explained as I gave my girlfriend the love knuckles for her misbehaviour.

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