Definder - what does the word mean?

What is loja?

Jerry is a really nice guy to have around he smart and talented but only at one thing. he is emotionally weak so treat him nicely. He amazing and get what he wants all the times

Look at Jerry Loja let go talk to him. Jerry Loja is so smart and talented maybe he can help us.

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loja - meme gif

loja meme gif

loja - video


Loja - what is it?

sombody who gets his/her chain nicked and skeet'd on by ben afleck

"yo fifty stole my shit (sobbing)
hey ben gili sucked ass

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What does "loja" mean?

A synonym for "poser"; one who cannot write lyrics for rap worth any amount of shit, big or small; also a seeming blend of J. Lo & Ja Rule (which is usually near, or dare I say above, the abilities of a LoJa.

That OnDaEdge guy is a LoJa.

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Loja - what does it mean?

juraj loj

loja = juraj loj

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