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What is larry brown?

n. A good coach that ended up with the worst team in the worst city (Philadelphia) and a loser named Iverson that finally left for Detroit and immediately win the championship

v. to rise from the filth and trash, which is holding you back, thereby succeeding and attaining your greatest dreams immediately after

Larry Brown is a good coach. Iverson is a shit player. He proved it to you biotches!!

After living in Philadelphia, i decided to Larry Brown it out of there and I became a millionaire.

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larry brown - video


Larry brown - what is it?

A true moron. He is a good coach but causes more contrevsy. Allen Iverson got a bad rap for what happened in Philly; however, if you lived in Philly, you would know that Larry Brown was the problem. He was so egolicious

Larry Brown is a good coach, but a cock of a person

👍57 👎31

What does "larry brown" mean?

The reason Team USA sucked ass in the 2004 olympics.

The reason the Pistons won in 2004, yet the reason they slipped and lost the 2005 finals against the Spurs, and the reason they dumped him for Flip Saunders who was just as bad.

The reason the Knicks sucked ass in the 2005-06 season.

I'm glad Larry Brown's ass got fired.

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