Definder - what does the word mean?

What is lana backwards?

Listen here, you twelve year old. Just because you found some "clever" thing over the internet doesn't mean you have to type it in. And if you found this without typing it in I apologize that you had to see such cringe.

Lana Backwards: A retarded joke used by children of the internet.

Billy The Minecraft Kid: Lel hey what's Lana Backwards?

Mature Man: *sigh*

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lana backwards - video

Lana backwards - what is it?

Just donโ€™t. If u make this joke ur a little shit who is making someone feel bad for something they canโ€™t change. Donโ€™t be a twat leave it!

Hahahaha Lana backwards! So funny! Ur never gonna live this down.

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