Definder - what does the word mean?

What is king day?

A person who is exceptional at taking time off work, without anyone noticing.

This person has minimal work ethics, and usually comes in late, has long lunches and leaves early - making up silly excuses.

Andy: I am rolling out at 4.15 today. Fuck that 5 O clock shit.
Roscoe: Damn, how come?
Andy: Haircut. Ill do that shit on work time.
Roscoe: Damn Andy, you got in at 10, had a 3 hour lunch and leaving at 4.15! Your the Half Day King!
Andy: Word, yo.

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king day - video


King day - what is it?

Everyone's creeping up to the money god,

Putting tongues where they didn't ought to be

On stepping stones of human hearts and souls,
Into the land of "nothing for free"
Well the way that we're living,

Is all take and no giving,

There's nothing to believe in,

The loudest mouth will hail the new found way,

To be king for a day
Everyone's licking up to the new king pin,

Trying to get way up with a smile

Sing for your supper boy and jump to a finger click,

Ain't my way of living in style
'Cause the ladder gets longer,

And ambition gets stronger,

I can't satisfy the hunger,

That bad old moon has got you in its sway,

To be king for the day
You're only here once so you got to get it right
(No time to fuss and fight)

'Cause life don't mean much if measured out with someone else's plight
(In time you'll see the light)
'Cause the way that we're living,

Is all take and no giving,

There's not mush to believe in,

The loudest mouth will hail the new found way,

To be king for a day
You got to be the king for a day, ah
To be king for a day

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What does "king day" mean?

Eating a King Snickers Bar and drinking a King Cobra

Hey Joe wanna' be a King for a Day?

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King day - what does it mean?

To have a severe case of diarhoea and thus spend a long time on the porcelain throne.

Pete: Dave, why weren't you in work yesterday?
Dave: Sorry mate, had a proper strong vindaloo on Sunday. So I had to be king for a day.

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King day - meaning

1. A man who dresses up in woman's clothes.
2. Used to refer to something that is stupid.

1. Tre Cool likes to be a king for day.
2. My computer is being a king for a day.

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King day - definition

Track number 16 on Green Day's Nimrod album. The song is about how a young boy begins cross-dressing at the tender age of 4. The lyrics basically speak for themselves. It is also about the frontman, Billie Joe Armstrong's bisexuality.

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice
Wasn't Made For Only Girls
G.I. Joe In Pantyhose
Is Making Room for the One and Only

King For A Day!
Princess By Dawn
King For A Day
In a Leather Thong...

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King day - slang

June 21st: A day in which all short men rise up (as much as they can) and be proud of their mediocre stature.

Friend: β€œSup short stack”
Short king: β€œ hey. Not today. It’s National short king day.”

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King day

On December 4th, 2015, Twitch Streamer RTGame announced on twitter that he won a 200cc Mario Kart tournament in College hence giving him the title of 'Drift King'. We mark this day to commemorate the birth of our beloved Drift King, RTGame.

Person A: "Did you hear, its National Drift King Day today!"
Person B: "Wonderful! I can't believe they used to call him the Drift King back in college."

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King day

Oppi king day is at jan 20 where you respect oppiside for a whole day no negativity

Omg its oppi king day i love him so muc he inspire to be a youtuber

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King day

This is a new official holiday on the 21st January every year.
Anyone is allowed to fuck the king on this day.

Hey,did you know Fuck the King Day is today?

Yeah, I'm ready!

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