Definder - what does the word mean?

What is king cunt?

a sassy ass man who consistently slays and is not afraid to be extra asf on camera

omg did you see sunoos new weverse post? what a cunt king.

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king cunt - video


King cunt - what is it?

Big ego, less than average dick size, works fuck-all hours and would prefer to study than chat shit with his mates

There Matt goes again, being King Cunt!

👍25 👎11

What does "king cunt" mean?

When you are such a badass at your profession that you "mic drop" all of the dumb fuck managers and pussy ass industrial bomb making, scratch n sniff engineers. Strapped with a .357 you don't ask questions or take names, just drop ninjas on the lawn off of your Cub Cadet.

I.T.: we need you to stay over and fix this drying tunnel, it's not communicating.
MFKCK: Go outside and play hide and go fuck yourself. Better yet, go blow your dad faggot. I'm the Mother Fucking Kike Cunt King bitch! ( mic drop).

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King cunt - what does it mean?

A coochie so tight, your ding dong gets stuck in it. In reference to the Sword in the Stone.

I met this girl named Grace at Band Camp. I really wanted to smash, but i felt like i would fall victim to King Arthur's Cunt.

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