Definder - what does the word mean?

What is keyword?

A jumble of words in a paragraph, found in a YouTube video description, that just has a bunch of popular phrases, people, and trends so the algorithm is more likely to recommend people the video.

When a video has these popular words in the description, it will reach more people because of it’s popularity.

Video description: Did you hear what Dream said to Pewdiepie, James Charles, and Mr. Beast? It is super sus among us amogus, funny meme! It’s so TikTok trendy! Will Dreamwastaken be canceled cancel for what he said? Funny fun videos about this internet drama and gossip!
Viewers: What even is this keyword salad…

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keyword - meme gif

keyword meme gif

keyword - video

Keyword - what is it?

Keyword surfing is when people overload their post on social media with unrelated trending words and hash tags to increase discovery and impression. It could be easily seen on popular social networks like twitter and Instagram.

These Influencers are spoiling Twitter user experience by keyword surfing.

I got lots of impressions by keyword surfing.

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What does "keyword" mean?

Putting emphasis on something, someone, or some point. Mainly used for nouns and adjactives, it can be used for verbs as well.

OMG someone put this word on urbandictionary. AOL keyword I INVENTED THIS PHRASE!


Person 1: all you ever do is talk about your future. can't you think or at least talk about anything else?
Person 2: Hello, AOL keyword AMBITION. i want to achieve my goals and dreams, nothing is going to stop me.
Person 1: Try AOL keyword LOSER
Person 2: When I'm enjoying my life, have a great family, and making large amounts of money, you'll be officially pwned.
Person 1: Right... whatever.

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Keyword - what does it mean?

Where you stuff a bunch of keywords for a niche or website to gain better exposure on Search Engine Results.
Usually used in many SEO practices

Idiot #1: My website is about Steam Market Bots!
STILL Idiot #1: So, on the images, I'm keyword stuffing them with information about Steam Market Bots!

Idiot #2: (

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Keyword - meaning

The act of spouting relevant sounding words in an attempt to give the impression one actually knows what the fuck they are talking about.

Does not work against people who actually know what the fuck you are talking about.

Matt: Can you explain this Java thing to me?
Bullshit Bob: Well the class function method abstraction is inherited by the extension of subclass private main method encapsulation.
Matt: Sounds like keyword spam to me.

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Keyword - definition

Used in a conversation to emphasize a point.

"I don't think she knows yet."
"AOL keyword: 'yet'."

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Keyword - slang

Logic-minded shortcut function of the popular internet browser America Online. Over 50,000 exist and each one typically defies and escapes the logic of the AOL customer, much to the chagrin of the AOL Customer Care Consultant on the other end of the phone.

Customer: "How do I change my billing information? I tried AOL Keyword "Modify My Financial Information" and nothing came up!

Customer Care Consultant: "Umm... Did you try AOL Keyword "Billing"?

Customer: "Ohhhhhhh!"

Customer Care Consultant: *sigh*

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A person who adds unrelated tags to his or her work on the Internet. Often considered a variant of attention whore, due to the attempts at inviting a larger public to look at that personΒ΄s work or profile.

Jen is a keyword whore because she uses Dingodile as a search tag, but he does not appear in her pictures.

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The term refers to people who search stuff only in keywords, and not in full sentences.

An example of how a person using keyword-ese would look something like this: Mole butt cancer
Whilst a person who googles in full sentences would do it like this: can the mole on my butt be a sign of cancer?

Guy: Why’s your search history so weird?
Girl: Oh I search in keyword-ese.
Guy: No, not that. I was referring to the midget porn.

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