Definder - what does the word mean?

What is jon jon?

A Jon Jon Blazing Squad is a "blunt sesh" or a congregation of multiple marijuana loving individuals who are smoking a blunt, it can be used as a noun or a verb.

"Yo man roll up that L we gotta jon jon blazing squad before class"

"Last night when we were childo mildonsking we had a hugeee jon jon blazin squad."

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jon jon - video


Jon jon - what is it?

An really really cute Asian guy with black hair and tiny eyes, who is caring and funny.

-Mirror, mirror, who is the hottest guy in the world?
- "Jon Jon Chang"

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What does "jon jon" mean?

AKA Father Function, King of Ocean City, NJ, Rides the bench in JV Football, Grandson of Neil Armstrong, Professional Functioner and married to the send. Feh feh feh.

Godduh Wow is that the king of OCNJ Jon Jon Armstrong, he is so Nelk and Godduh.

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Jon jon - what does it mean?

The most annoying lil fucker in all of eastmeck

/Doesn’t know what dickrider means
/SoundCloud rapper

β€œYo is that lil jon jon ?”

β€œYo shut up he might hear us and come over here”

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Jon jon - meaning

Lil Jon Jon is a fat rapper from the planet Gawker and likes to beat indie music artists that are 5 years old and younger, they are all essential to Lil Jon Jon’s happiness.

Radom Guy: You hear the new Lil Jon Jon song
Big Chunky Guy: Yea it’s about beating 5 year olds who are indie artists.
Orphanage Owner: He burnt down my orphanage too

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Jon jon - definition

Being a whiney little bitch when having fun.

Dude lets go do something!
- Idk guys i'm really tired and my head hurts.
-Not tonight.
You are being a complete The Jon Jon.

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Jon jon - slang

Bad Rocket League Player

Man that guy's a trash ass Jon Jon

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Jon jon

man with metal plate in his jaw and fought a pitbull

"Jon Jon? You Talkin about that nigga with the metal plate in his jaw?"

"Fought a pitbull with his bare hands Jon Jon?"

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Jon jon

A man who is very handsome, has a great personality, has the ability to get a lot of girls, flirts a lot, many girls like and would love to get with, one of the nicest people you will ever meet, has a good sized penis, very funny and can make any type of person want to become friends with them.

"I'm such a loser, i wish i was a jon jon."

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Jon jon

"If you from the hood you know any nigga named Jon Jon is dangerous. This nigga ain't no different. He got a metal plate and his jaw and he beat up a Pitbull. A lot of niggas ain't believe that, Specifically a nigga named jay. So he tried Jon Jon. Hit him right in his jaw. That nigga's hand was never the same". -The Hood Avatar

Jay: "Jon Jon Talking bout he gon slap the fuck outta me? okay lets see then.
Leland: You talking bout Jon Jon? The nigga who beat up a Pitbull with his bare hands and got a metal plate in his jaw.

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