Definder - what does the word mean?

What is jobus?

The oral sex act of pleasuring more than two mens penises at once

He gave the ravenous hobos the ol' Jobu Jones for half a turkey sandwich

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Jobus - what is it?

Derived from the Greco-Latin word Jobucles (Jo-buh-kleez) meaning "vastly superior sarcasm and wit matched only by his ability to top himself".

In the classical Chinese, it is similar in meaning to the name of the great philosopher Facetious.

WARNING: More than 10 seconds of exposure to one known as Jobus will result in extreme giggliness or frustration - often a combination of both.

Jobus is at it again. (See sentence referencing the use of "Facetious")

Facetious say, "A penny saved is a penny unspent. So hand it over."

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