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What is jesus hands?

Jesus Hands is when a guy and a girl are making out and the girl grabs the guys dick while they are still making out and holds it for a short amount of time and then begins to stroke. Its like Jesus in every stroke

Autumn and Jacob were Making out when Autumn pulled off Jesus Hands

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jesus hands - video


Jesus hands - what is it?

A taunt used with your arms spread open and slightly halfway raised, as though being crucified, while approaching someone.

"This mfker's coming up hard with them Jesus hands.."
" I came at em with my Jesus hands."

👍25 👎11

What does "jesus hands" mean?

When you have a sore in the middle of your hand. Either from a blister or a cut, in place where jesus got nailed to the cross.

'man all this screwing has given me a jesus hand'.

👍37 👎17

Jesus hands - what does it mean?

When playing four-mallets on the marimba or vibraphone and the ends of the mallets cause blistering at the center of the hands. This causes the hands to resemble jesus' hands when they were nailed.

Hey, Jackie what's goin' on with your technique. You're getting Jesus Hands.

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