Definder - what does the word mean?

What is in a mood?

When you can really relate to something someone is saying.

Girl 1: I just looked at old pictures of myself and then I looked in the mirror... I'm still waiting for that glo-up
Girl2: That's a mood.

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in a mood - video

In a mood - what is it?

1) feeling a certain way towards something you want
2) making your emotion a verb

1) Today.. I am mooding some CORNDOGS!
2) I woke up good mooding this morning and it feels amaaaazing.

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What does "in a mood" mean?

A bitchy or pissed-off attitude towards the whole of humankind. Often expressed through whining, cussing and snapping gestures. Usually pertains solely to the female gender and/or twinks.

Tyrone: Hey Tay, you want some popcorn?

Shantay: You best shut yo mouth before I cut you!

Tyrone: Damn gurl, you in a mood!

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In a mood - what does it mean?

The desire to have sex.

James: Hey, you in the mood?
Amy: Hell yeah, let's do it.

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In a mood - meaning

when someone does something (normally to mimic another) and is very relatable

Jeff: *falls asleep in class*
Lucy: β€œThat’s a mood!”

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In a mood - definition

Similar to β€œSame!”, β€œThat is So me!”, or β€œThat’s so relatable!” Mood is used when someone says a phrase or something does and action that you relate to. It is used more commonly nowadays, confusing the older generations.
Sometimes the word big is added to it, to express how much you relate to whatever was said or happened.

Take this scene right here:

Person A: I want to stab myself
Person B: Mood. But stab me first ok?

Or this one perhaps:

Item: *falls over*
Person A: Oh big mood.

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In a mood - slang

When your friend says something relatable and to you, it explains life

Friend lays down on the floor
me: Mood

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In a mood

Relatable but also summing up your life

β€œI was rejected again”


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In a mood

Used to express that something is relatable. Similar to 'Same,' but 'Mood' became more common around 2016.

If something is especially relatable, one might say 'Big Mood.' This implies that your whole being is one and the same with whatever you are commenting on.

(commenting on a photo of a cat who looks super lazy) Mood af

2017 mood = self care and positive visualization

(caption on photoset of Keanu Reeves looking mad existential) big mood

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In a mood

this phrase especially when used as 'you finna put me in a mood' or 'stoppppp you gonna put me in a mood' can mean you're funna make me mad or you giving me butterflies/ making me honry. it jus depends on the context

guy: shut up shorty for I come over there

girl: you better stomp you're putting before you put me in a mood

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