Definder - what does the word mean?

What is horse and cart?

To show one's age. When an older person makes a comment or action that refers back to times long since past and shows just how old they are, generally alienating the younger generation a bit in the process.

My grandfather made a reference to Howdy Doody today. Man, was he showing the horse and cart.

Also showing your age

👍39 👎13

horse and cart - video


Horse and cart - what is it?


i really needed a poo last thursday but when i went to the toilet i just horse and carted.

👍27 👎13

What does "horse and cart" mean?

Another of the many rhyming slang phrases for fart.

Gor luvaduck Phyllis, you should 'ave 'eard me 'usband after 'e came 'ome from the pub last night, wot a bleedin' horse and cart!

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