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What is high tech high media arts?

HTHMA is a public high school residing in the school district of San Diego, California. The students attending this school contain above average academic skills and succeed at life overall. These skills contained by these students lead to a successful after-school life for these children. 100% of these students end up acquiring masters degrees in ass-kicking. Other High Tech High Schools (such as HTH and HTHI) end up with less successful students, forcing the people attending those schools to be jealous. They often try to poke fun at HTHMA, but this is due to an outrageous amount of jealousy striking even the staff at other HTH schools. In the end, HTHMA is the school that produces the overall most kick-ass students in the world.

HTHMA Student: Hey! I just got into High Tech High Media Arts

HTHI Student: Wow, I wish I was you, then I could be

successful at life... I got into HTHI

HTHMA Student: Awww... Im so sorry

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