Definder - what does the word mean?

What is high as tits?

A superficial and irrelevant position of preeminence. Generally accompanied by a sense of superiority within a social group.

Ref. A puppy within a litter that dominates the best nursing position would be said to have "High Tit."

Bro, always getting the last word in isn't going to get you "High Tit" around here. So knock it off!

👍33 👎19

high as tits - video


High as tits - what is it?

When a person is heavily under the influence of a drug that is associated with 'getting high', such as marijuana or mushrooms.

John decided to try a bit of the spliff at the party on Friday and upon returning to his flat the following conversation ensued between him and his fellow roommate, Fred.

Fred: Where ya bin John boy?

John: Just out having a wee bit a drinks with the mates

Fred: Ahh and puffin on the ol wacky tabacky I see, you look absolutely high as tits bruv

John: Ay, that I am Freddy. That I am.

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