Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gumby fuck?

1. A term used when mad or excited over a recreational game/ hobby.
2. A term used when a man and a woman orgasms in unison.
3. The small gland under the infamous G-Spot.

Fuck Gumby, fuck it hard.

👍27 👎13

gumby fuck - video


Gumby fuck - what is it?

Also known as Gumby Fuckers in plural, a Gumby Fuck is a person who acts like a retard or says something so completely fuckin dumb it hurts to hear but somehow other people acknowledge seriously.

May also refer to a noob getting a lucky shot online.

"My Gumby Fuck History professor pointed at a map of Europe and couldnt tell France and Germany apart."

"That Gumby Fuck just stole my kill!!! That little bastard!"

👍45 👎13