Definder - what does the word mean?

What is going out with the bois?

Your simply heading out with friends dumbass

Baby I'm just simply going out with the bois tonight

👍25 👎11

going out with the bois - video


Going out with the bois - what is it?

Don’t go out for drinks and take a shit load of narcotics if you’re going to be a pussyio and not get up for work the next day, get up get at it and seize the day. No sick days just bangin headaches. More life

Marcus - “John keeps calling in sick after a heavy session, it’s happened a couple of times this month and he might lose his job if he keeps it going”

Zeus - “John shouldn’t have gone out with the lads for drinks if he wasn’t going to get up and go to work in the morning”

- Only the og’s can hoof that last stitcher at 8am & still make it in time for work @ 9am with a coffee, feg in one hand and a croissant in the other as if normal, get the job done n dusted & get back on the drink later that day.

- Don’t go out with the boys if you can’t get up with the men

- Priorities come first

👍25 👎11