Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ghostfaced?

A show on the TV CW series supernatural. But that is the definition of a bad TV drama.

β€œHey did you watch ghostfacers last night?” β€œFuck yes that shit is awful!”

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Ghostfaced - what is it?

The Act Of Disappearing From A Party Or Event Without Telling Anyone Your Going.

Friend1-"Where Is John"
Friend 2-"Dude I Think He Pulled A Ghostface"
Friend1="I Hate When He Does That"

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What does "ghostfaced" mean?

Someone who suddenly disappears when they were right next to you.

Kerry: So I ordered the pizza and I was like.......uh, Jason, where are you?

Tim: I think he just Ghostface'd you.

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Ghostfaced - what does it mean?

Wu Tang clan's GhostFace Killa.

"Raekwon, GhostFace, Method Man, Cappadonna, you get the drift.

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Ghostfaced - meaning

A badass killer from the Scream trilogy whose main goal is to kill Sidney and her friends.

He is not just one person like Michael Myers and Jason. His mantle is assumed by 7 people throughout the Scream films (male and female).

All the people who were ghostface had similar skills and abilities. Their abilities are quite Batman-like than the other slasher killers; they have good stealth, are fast runners, are smart/cunning, can appear and disappear out of nowhere.

Sid: We have to get outta here. The killer is here.
Derek: Where?
Ghostface: Right here...

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Ghostfaced - definition

Some awesome dudes on the hit TV show SUPERNATURAL!!! They claim that they can hunt ghosts, but one of them (Corbett) gets killed "in action" while hunting a ghost. Sam and dean intervene both times that they appear on the show, and they save their poor little sorry asses.

So now, the Ghost facers HATE Sammy and Dean Winchester.

And they ACTUALLY have a theme song! check it on youtube!

sam: "hey, check this out, they are actual ghost hunters!"
dean: "the Ghostfacers? you've GOT to be kidding me!"

person 1 : "if there's something strange, in the neighborhood, who you gunna call?"
person 2 : "...ghostbusters?" -_-'
person 1 : "NO you IDIOT! GHOSTFACERS!!...The ghostbusters arn't real!"
person 2 : "yeah...whatever"

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Ghostfaced - slang

pertaining to the look that a girl gets after fellatio with a suitor suffering from caspercrotch.

Lashounda was ghostfaced after going down on LeRoys casper crotch.

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The strange phenomenon occurring in very few who indulge in copious amounts of alcohol and cannabis, resulting in a pale-white (or otherwise) appearance due to the combination. Usually results in projectile vomiting, passing out for hours on end, general dissociation from the rest of the party, and forgetfulness of events whilst ghostfaced.

Bro #1: Where's dude at?
Bro #2: Oh, dude? He's straight ghostfaced again, strugglin' to stay awake outside on the porch.
Bro #1: Damn. He should stay away from mixing bud and drink, you know?

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Wearing a mask to hide one's face, almost always for some sort of head busting.

"I'm Ghostfaced up, military style down
Nuff ammunitions of rounds across the chest"

Masta Killa - Wu Tang Banga 101

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being so belligerently drunk that your face turns to a pasty white, making you look like a ghost.

Brandon: Bro what are we gonna do tonight?

Aaron: Idk about you, but i'm plannin on getting so ghostfaced that I won't be speaking english by the end of the night!

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