Definder - what does the word mean?

What is getting busy?

Having sex

What were you doing last night Dave? Oh, you had a night in with your bird? Getting busy with mr jizzy?

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getting busy - video

Getting busy - what is it?

This saying is used in reference to having sex either with someone or by yourself.

Joe hasn't had sex in so long he's usually busy getting busy with himself.

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What does "getting busy" mean?

to get yourself motivated and to do it efficiently

Oh shit, my term paper is due tomorrow. Time to pull out the get busy tool....

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Getting busy - what does it mean?

a band from l.a. really good too

i just bought the get busy commitee cd and i love it

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Getting busy - meaning

To skin up a joint of marijuana.

Hey bruv, get busy for me.

Now that we have scored this fine skunk weed its time to get busy.

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Getting busy - definition

to dance

"Woman, Get busy" - Sean Paul 'Get Busy'

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Getting busy - slang

to get things started off, to get going, to get a group of people excited and dancing let's go.

the football team had a big game against their rival friday night and they knew it was time to get busy on the field.

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Getting busy

A Term for Sexual Intercourse or Masturbation

Hey Man, How you doing?
Sorry can't talk, I'm getting busy.
Oh damn!

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Getting busy

Alternatively phrase to β€œHave Sex” with somebody as people are β€œWorking” during a session

β€œHey girl, I hope we can get busy up in my room tonight”

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Getting busy

have sex

i wanna get busy!

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