Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gay-bar?

When a large group of gentlemen of the homosexual nature decide to crash a typically straight bar and turn the place into one big sausage fest.

"No wonder guys aren't buying me drinks! This place has turned into a guerilla gay bar!"

👍53 👎19

gay-bar - meme gif

gay-bar meme gif

gay-bar - video


Gay-bar - what is it?

Gay bar spoken as one word (gaybar) can mean the same as wack.

I believe this term became widley used when that crap song came out where the main line was "gay bar, gay bar, gay bar."

To put the word in context i could say;

'Top of the pops is fucking gaybar!'

👍51 👎195

What does "gay-bar" mean?

A random word which you use to say when something sucks ass.

Burger-"I got 99.9 Percent on My maths test!"
Me-"I got, uuuuuh, 34 Percent"
Burger-"You dumbass."
Me-"Gay Bar!"
*Slight whack from Lisa*
Me-"OWWWWW, What did you do that for Bitch?"

👍51 👎167

Gay-bar - what does it mean?

a place where nuclear wars are started

gonna start a nuclear war in a gay bar

👍27 👎11

Gay-bar - meaning

An iron rod used for smashing queers.

Gus: What's with the iron rod?

Brad: It's my gay bar. I use it when I go queer hunting. Wanna come?

Gus:No fuckin' way. You're on your own homophobe.

Brad: Fuck You!

👍229 👎171

Gay-bar - definition

Ah, the good old Gay Bar. Where many a good (and often unforgetably disturbing) tale can be told. Like a normal bar, but with lots of big gay males in it. Just remember, the barman is ALWAYS taken.

Never again will I walk into a bar and say "can I bum a fag?"

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Gay-bar - slang


4. (Chiefly Dumfries) A bar in which two males may enjoy a drink together without being chased out of town by a lynch-mob of locals, driving a tractor and wielding pitchforks.

On his recent trip to Dumfries, Matt was surprised to discover that Bar ID was not the kind of gay bar he had been expecting.

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really fun song by Electric 6.

"You! I wanna take you to a gay bar. I wanna take you to a gay bar. Gay bar, gay bar, Gay Bar."

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An establishment which serves alcohol and has a primarily homosexual clientele.

After dinner, Steve and Joe went to the gay bar.

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A penis; specifically a penis belonging to a homosexual male. A play on the word k-bar, it refers specifically to an instrument used to stab other haemorrhoid busters in the arse.

Gay-bar brings a whole new perspective to gay bar.

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