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What is fuckin slayer?

This is a phenomenon which two or more slayer fans may yell out.

These "yellings" occur when a guy goes to/leaves a concert and that guy is so pumped up with adrenaline, so he kinda finds the first guy whom has a slayer tee/hoodie and bellow out "FUCKIN SLAYER". The kid whom is yelled to will probably find it shocking the first time, however, he will find a fealing of bonding through this too, because if there are more pumped up fans whom is ready for/been moshing/headbanging is kinda fucked up in the head they will yell too. Like some kind of domino effect.

Man 1) Dude I can't wait to hear that high
pitched screech from "Angel of Death" from Tom tonight...
Man 2) me neither... Hey look, there's a kid with a slayer hoodie.
hoodie boy).....
Other slayer fans/drunk people) FUCKIN SLAYER
pop freak 1) what the fuck was that?!?!
pop freak 2) just the fucked up slayer kids, better leave them alone
pop freak 1) I'm scared.....

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fuckin slayer - video