Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fuck me stupid?

Similar in meaning to “Boy, am I a dumb ass,” this advanced application of “fuck me running” is to be used in situations which were originally a surprise, but now have recurred over and over again, and the fuckee (that's you) has still not had the sense to leave.

As in: “I still have a joint checking account with my girlfriend. Well, fuck me stupid, shoulda been running."

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fuck me stupid - video


Fuck me stupid - what is it?

A come-on, or chat-up line, indicating that the person saying it wants to have sexual relations until his or her mind is rendered incapable of the simplest thought or speech.

Only considered "hot" when a very, very smart person says it, since you know that he or she is looking for a long, hot ride.

A person you know to be highly intelligent walks up to you in a club and whispers into your ear, "I want you fuck me stupid."

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