Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fuck hungry hippo's?

Also see the word nymphopotamus.

A fat chick that eat, breathes, and lives for sex.

Guys who dig these kind of women need to have their train conductor goggles on and usually rider the gravy train home after a long night at the club.

Is it just me or is this club full of fuck hungry hippo's?

Your boi Denzel been hookin up with the fuck hungry hippo runnin' the 4-H club down on Bryer Street!

👍127 👎49

fuck hungry hippo's - video


Fuck hungry hippo's - what is it?

Also see the word nymphopotamus.

A fat chick that eat, breathes, and lives for sex.

Guys who dig these kind of women need to have their train conductor goggles on and usually rider the gravy train home after a long night at the club.

Is it just me or is this club full of fuck-hungry-hippo's?

Your boi Denzel been hookin up with the fuck-hungry-hippo runnin' the 4-H club down on Bryer Street!

👍89 👎27