Definder - what does the word mean?

What is free shot?

When u shit at the same time of shooting a basket in basketball

Sam:”did u see my free shot fax out there

Joe:”ye that was sick go change ur pants quickly though

👍25 👎11

free shot - video


Free shot - what is it?

When u take a shot in basketball and shit urself at the same time

Did u see my free shot fax

Ye it was sick
I need to go change my nappie now though

👍25 👎11

What does "free shot" mean?

Allowing somebody a view of a certain body part, typically a girl with a low cut shirt displaying her breasts. Could be considered a public service in many cases, and also be done with class.
-Not the same as flashing. We have a little modesty here.

He seems sad today, I think I'll give him a free shot.-discretely lowers her shirt.

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