Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fortnite noob?

A guy who only has free skins

Rundong is a fortnite free skin noob? lol, such a noob and bot.

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fortnite noob - video


Fortnite noob - what is it?

IS like when you are super bad at game laike yu kant be bdaer OMG!!1111!!!!11111

Fortnite NOOB YOU ARE!!!1111!!!11

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What does "fortnite noob" mean?

People who kiss their dads on the mouth


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Fortnite noob - what does it mean?

A person who doesn’t know how to play the simple game Fortnite and decides to brag as soon as they receive a win. These people often freak out when they hear shooting around them and claim that the enemy is hacking if they don’t get the kill. Fortnite noobs can be bush campers,players who hide in trees ,and just a person who corners themselves in a room to hide from opponents.

Hey did you hear Andrew has only one Fortnite win and he’s gloating about it, what a Fortnite noob.

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