Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ferengi?

Any female Republican political figure that perpetrates obscene and fallacious conspiracy theories, promotes "The Big Lie," and refuses to accept reality in spite of readily available facts. E.G. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Nikki Haley.

Ferengi War Bride Marjorie Taylor Greene was seen outside CPAC promoting additional conspiracy theories regarding Democratic representatives welcoming Romulan delegates and encouraging them to run in the 2024 election.

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Ferengi - what is it?

Ferengi: a species of alien from Star Trek, known for being greedy and obnoxious.

Joseph is so greedy he’s like a fucking Ferengi!

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What does "ferengi" mean?

n. A race of aliens from Star Trek, most commonly seen in Next Generation, and Deep Space 9.

Home planet: Ferenginar

They are renowned for their business skills, and their main goal in life is to obtain wealth in any way possible. To die rich.

Ferengi 1: "I'm dying, please help me pay for a doctor's bill!"
Ferengi 2: "Heck no! Sixth rule of Acquisition; never allow family to stand in the way of profit!"
Ferengi 1: "BUT I'M YOUR CHILD!!"

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Ferengi - what does it mean?

1) A race and culture characterized by a mercantile obsession with profit and trade, and their constant efforts to swindle people into bad deals

2) People with principles of capitalism

3) A jew

Don't purchase a car from a ferengi.

Don't be a cheap ferengi!

That ferengi deserved what he got.

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