Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fat Tim?

The nickname for an obese man that Arin and Dan (From the YouTube comedy show "Game Grumps) saw at an airport that resembled celebrity Tim Robins.

"Dan, remember fat Tim Robins?"

👍25 👎11

fat Tim - video


Fat Tim - what is it?

The Fattest guy in the shop with the smallest pecker

Did you see Fat Tim this morning. Must suck to be so pitiful

👍31 👎13

What does "fat Tim" mean?

The most amazing person ever! He's so fat but so timmay!
He has like 3 friends because he's so fat. Fat Tim is very smart.

"I love Fat Tim!"
"Who doesn't?"
"I know right??"

👍63 👎15