Definder - what does the word mean?

What is faceness?

An often hastily imparted supplication for mercy by the receiver of an imminent beatdown unto their aggressor.

"ow-fuck! what did I just say?!"

or in the case of the Chiss bartender from Jedi Academy,

"Please noble Jediss... not in the facess!"

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faceness - meme gif

faceness meme gif

faceness - video


Faceness - what is it?

originated Hebrew this phrase is one of the most popular phrases in Israel. It's equivalent to "sucks"

-"so how was that party last night"
-"oh man, that party was on the face. im never going there again"

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What does "faceness" mean?

The best name to call someone to harrass them, or simply the act of rubbing your face on someone elses face.

"You stupid fag!"
"You stupid FACE-FACE!"

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Faceness - what does it mean?

Something that people say when something happened that could be interpreted as perverted.

When you get hit with anything in your face and people need to emphasize it.

jack: "Ahhh man i got this stuff all over me
Steve:"In the face"

Bob: *punches guy in the face*
Bill: "in the face!!!!"

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Faceness - meaning

When you do or say something which has no sense in that situation, you do it by the face.

- He told me I was a liar.
- Why?
- Pfff by the face, i had never spoken with him before.

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Faceness - definition

to sit on someone's face

I disliked him at first but then I to face faced him and it changed my mind.

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Faceness - slang

Smoking a whole blunt by yourself

Yo, you should be facing a blunt before you see Pineapple Express

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To attack with enthusiasm and ferocity, most often used when speaking of alcoholic beverages "SHOTS TO THE FACE!" but can be applied to other circumstances, see below:

Jagerbombs to the face!  Funnel to the face!  Late night pizza to the face!  Motorboat to the face!   Newport to the face! (vacation)  Fenway to the face! (sporting event)
This can also be communicated as the acronym "TTF" or "2TF"

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Having a face to face chat with someone as opposed to just chatting to them online using programmes such as MSN

I went to my mates house to have a face to face

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to look like a face

(brought to you by Miss P)

i dont like your faceness

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