Definder - what does the word mean?

What is epidemic?

something, like a note, that spreads like wildfire throughout facebook.

Facebook Epidemic: Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose at least 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.(Or I just literally tagged randoms eventually) (To do this, go to β€œnotes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)

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epidemic - meme gif

epidemic meme gif

epidemic - video

Epidemic - what is it?

An epidemic taking the community of patronizing coworkers by storm. It was discovered in the year 2016 by the same man who discovered Hubert's Constant.

Symptoms include and are absolutely not limited to the following:

Affected person(s):
-will suddenly happen to know everything about everything.

-will correct every pointless slip of the tongue or grammar mistake that you noticed but didn't bother to fix due to the lack of importance.

-will usually begin their sentences with either "aaaactually....", "You DO know...", "You DO realize..." or some other cocky, condescending way of trying to educate you about something.
-are incapable of humility.
-are incapable of admitting they do not know something.
-usually come up with shit.
-will use big words they don't understand to sound more photosynthesis.
-will repeat their 'intelligent' remarks until confirmation that somebody heard them. This may take days.

This sickness is especially contagious in children exceeding the age of 18. There is currently no cure but death.

"Hey man! I think I just put a pin in that really annoying thing people do! I call it The Hubert Epidemic!"

"AAACTUALLY, you DO REALIZE that what you REALLY MEANT was PANDEMIC?! EPIDEMIC isn't worldwide! You DO KNOW that RIGHT?!"

"Of course I do"

"WELL THEN I just CAN'T comprehend WHY someone would make SUCH a STUPID mistake."

"... Fuck you man"

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What does "epidemic" mean?

A tag epidemic usually occurs on Facebook. What happens is, a person will tag a lot of other people on a photo and then the people tagged also tag more people. What ends up happening is that more and more people are tagged and leave comments on the photos that turn to full conversations between 30 people, which in turn leaves many, many notifications to check, and clogged email. A recent picture has been a cartoon picture with names describing a trait of your friends and tells you to tag others. Has been known to cause severe frustration, telling people to shut up or stop commenting, and untagging. It has also been known to be a cyber disease. They may also cause your email inbox to look like spam.

Guy 1- "Dude, that new picture is a helluva tag epidemic. I went home to go on Facebook and I had 178 notifications! All about one picture! People were even talking about the tag epidemic on the photo."

Guy 2- "Luckily I got only 56 notifications"

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Epidemic - what does it mean?

A joke epidemic is when in a certain period of time, everyone is making the same jokes or about the same subject. It's usually after an event that got a lot of media coverage.

Synonyms: Joke pandemic and joke infection

Person A:
If I hear one more Kanye West joke, imma not let you finish.

Person B:
Dude, you're totally contributing to the joke epidemic!

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Epidemic - meaning

When all the pussy in the residence hall is taken by random douchebags who live out of state.

Damn, there are so many hot chicks here. Too bad there is a fucking boyfriend epidemic.

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Epidemic - definition

a song by polo g

you hear thatthats epidemic

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Epidemic - slang

Awesome general positive adjective.

That's epidemic, dude!

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Something that is cooler than cool...

That party was 'epidemic' yo!!

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A disease that has started killing white people. Until then, it's just a disease, regardless of how many have already died.

AIDS is a disease that started in Africa. But now it's an epidemic that has hit the gay community in San Francisco.

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1. (dictionary) Widespread contagion, usually a bacteria or virus, that kills or severly sickens a large number people in a particular geographic area.

2. (American Media) Half-assed drug or dumbass activity that kills a couple suburban white kids, usually in the Baltimore area for some reason.

1. The SARS epidemic of 2003 killed hundreds and hospitalized thousands in China and Toronto.

2. Stone Phillips reporting on the highway surfing epidemic... Ashleigh Banfield to follow with an expose on the paint-huffing epidemic.

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