Definder - what does the word mean?

What is engenes?

ENGENE is the official fandom name for the South Korean boy group ENHYPEN. The name was announced on October 9th, 2020.

ENHYPEN and ENGENE share the same DNA to connect, discover, and grow together.

Tsa "What is ENHYPEN's fandom name?"

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engenes - meme gif

engenes meme gif

engenes - video


Engenes - what is it?

An adjective for females who loves to mess around, have fun and always takes time for others! They are also never afraid to tell what they have on their heart.

Man, she acts like an Engen.
Did you see the wild Engen at the party?
The Engen broke me into pieces after the fight we had.

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What does "engenes" mean?

Who are always there for ENHYPEN, their love for ENHYPEN will never fade no matter what

:Are you an engene?
:Yes I am and I will always be

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Engenes - what does it mean?

ENGENE is the official fandom name for the South Korean boy group ENHYPEN. The name was announced on October 9th, 2020.

ENHYPEN and ENGENE share the same DNA to connect, discover, and grow together.

"What is ENHYPEN's fandom name?"
"ENGENE it is"

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Engenes - meaning

The most beautiful fandom. Loves 7 angelic members. Supports ENHYPEN and does everything to protect them. 4th punching bag fandom of Kpoopies cuz antis are jealous.

1) New punching bag of Kpoopies are ENGENEs!
2) The fandom name of Rookie King group is ENGENE

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Engenes - definition

ENGENE is the fandom name for a south Korean idol group called Enhypen

Group members said:
β€œOur fandom name has two meanings. First as the pronunciation tells us, our fans are the β€˜engines’ that let us grow and keep on going.
Second, You are ENHYPEN’s β€˜gene’: you and ENHYPEN share the same DNA to connect, discover and grow together”

Someone: Do you know Enhypen's fandom name?
ENGENE: Of course, it's ENGENE.

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Engenes - slang

It is known as the official fandom name of the group "ENHYPEN". The group consists of: Heeseung, Jay, Jake, Sunghoon, Sunoo, Jungwon, and Ni-ki. They we're under BE:LIFT Lab, a joint label created by BigHit Entertainment and CJ E&M Entertainment.

Engene's do have two meaning:
The first is that the fans of ENHYPEN are considered the β€œengines” that allow the group to grow and move forward. While the second definition is that ENHYPEN and fans β€œshare the same DNA to connect, develop, and grow together.”

Engene, what are you doing?
엔진 μ—¬λŸ¬λΆ„λ“€μ€ λ­ν•΄μš”??

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'ENGENE' means that fans become an important driving force in the growth and development of ENHYPEN, and that ENHYPEN and fans share GENE and connect, discover, and grow together.

I'm a pre debut ENGENE. Let’s treasure ENGENE for a very long time and grow together with our boys.

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ENGENEs are the people who love and support the 7-member South Korean K-Pop group ENHYPEN (μ—”ν•˜μ΄ν”ˆ) equally and their music.

"What group do you stan?"

"I'm an ENGENE and I stan ENHYPEN, the 7 great things that's ever happened to me."

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Engenes are the second fandom of a south korean boygroup, TREASURE. They didn't care about anything else except for TREASURE and teume. They're most likely obsessed with TREASURE

β€œDo you know engenes?”
β€œOh! Aren't they TREASURE's fandom? I heard they're too obsessed with TREASURE”

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