Definder - what does the word mean?

What is eits?

A form of hyper-intense trauma inflicted by managerial staff.

Peter must have suffered from EIT (Eli Induced Trauma), he just quit.

👍25 👎11

eits - meme gif

eits meme gif

eits - video


Eits - what is it?

(EITS) Everyone Tossing Salad Inside

Dude, EITS that place. It's a prison party in there today.

👍29 👎17

What does "eits" mean?

The act of hitting an object (usually a container of food) out of somebody's hands in jest. Originates from the MIT chapter of Tau Epsilon Phi.

The three rules of eiting are:

- The eit'er helps clean
- Do not eit coffee
- Do not eit raisins

The term has since evolved to be used as an exclamation of frustration along the lines of "crap" or "damn."

I made some popcorn, but sulu eit'ed it as I walked past him in the stairwell.

👍77 👎27

Eits - what does it mean?

Usually goes in with the name Keith.But your probably trying to do a tiktok.It means Engineer in training.

The EIT is training to become a better engineer.

👍135 👎23