Definder - what does the word mean?

What is eco terrorist?

: A person who intentionally harms and destroys the natural environment for personal gain or political reasons.

This definition includes among other things: politicians who push for acts and policies that would harm the environment for economic reasons or heads of large companies which pollute and contribute to global warming.

Many environmentalists were disappointed when eco-terrorists in the Biden administration let the Willow Project go ahead.

Chevron's CEO Mike Wirth is a god damn eco-terrorist!

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eco terrorist - video


Eco terrorist - what is it?

Someone who is a terrorist and claims it’s for the environment. They often vandalise property and disrupt public works projects. Unlike other terrorists, they do not normally explode.

Those eco terrorists were destroying my neighbour’s yard this morning.

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What does "eco terrorist" mean?

Name for people who go around annoying people to go green.

These Eco Terrorists came to school and lectured us all day about going green.

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