Definder - what does the word mean?

What is eaze's?

means ease

He relaxing wit eaze on his day off.

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eaze's - meme gif

eaze's meme gif

eaze's - video


Eaze's - what is it?

marijuana delivery

I am going to order on eaze because I need more weed.

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What does "eaze's" mean?

a street term for ecstasy, pills, thizz

I popped a couple eaze's last night that got me feelin like YEE!

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Eaze's - what does it mean?

who could be harder? if you see him coming RUN.

oh shit theres eaze..i aint afraid of him..o shit he got da gun..BANG.

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Eaze's - meaning

To define a game of Heroes of the Storm (or any MOBA game for that matter), which is not easy enough to be described as easy (ez), but not hard enough to be a good game (gg)

Player 1: This game was EZ !
player 2: Nah it was eAZ

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