Definder - what does the word mean?

What is e-diot?

1. A person, or in some cases, a non-living thing that screenshots meaning of their names from Urban dictionary to make them feel better about themselves or for clout.

2. An 'electronic' idiot - A modern day or urban idiot

Those e-diots are at it again!

👍25 👎11

e-diot - meme gif

e-diot meme gif

e-diot - video


E-diot - what is it?

A person who posts idiotic things online (on the internet), yet is a highly intelligent person offline (in real life).

An online idiot.

You're an e-diot.
Did you see what Bill posted last night, he may be a brain surgeon but he is such an e-diot.
Can you stop posting so many cat videos, you're being an e-diot.

👍39 👎13