Definder - what does the word mean?

What is dog food gangstas?

the mature reply when a dork tries to speak slang with you out of urban ignorance.

DORK: yeah, that be tight, dawg foo yawg gangsta!

YOU: Pardon me, did you just call me a dog food gangsta?

👍49 👎33

dog food gangstas - video


Dog food gangstas - what is it?

A group of street thugs borne from the recent Strong Band Email from Ry-guy, who closed his email with the tag line. "peace out my dawg foo gangsta yo" with the Great and Awexome Strongbad mistook as Dog Food Gangsta, which spurred him to ask, "Ought I be offended"

"Dog Food Gangstas:
Canned or Dry,
We Neva Die"

👍57 👎29